The simplest and the most easiest method to start an Angular Application is with 

the Angular CLI i.e Angular Command Line Interface.

1. First To use Angular 6 we need to be sure that we have installed Node in our system.

Most of you will be jargon that why we need Node to run Angular ? 

Friends first make clear yourself that you  don't need to learn Node at all to run 

Angular. This is just needed to download Angular Cli and the various libraries 

used by the Angular via npm (Node package manager).

So it will just act as a tool to download the libraries and that's all.

Now to check wheather node is installed in your system or not just open the 

command prompt in Windows or terminal in Linux and type the following 


                                                      >    npm -v

ie. npm version

If  this returns the version number then node is installed and if it return some 

error or npm undefined then you need to install Node first.

To install node  just go to their site and download it from there.After successfully 

downloading and Installing it run the above command again and now you will

see the version of the Node.

2. Now we can use NPM to install Angular CLI . To install Angular CLI  type the 

following command in you terminal:

                                        > npm install -g @angular/cli

If this command is throwing error then you can also run :

                                        > npm install @angular/cli  -g 

After successful installation process you can check if Angular installed or not by 

typing the following command in the terminal:

                                       > ng -v

and viola you have successfully installed Angular in your system.


Comments :

  1. good information. looking forward for more information

  2. Please post more lectures. I am waiting for more lectures.

  3. Nice article.

  4. Great insights on angular. Nice article.

  5. Thanks for thorough explanation and nicely step by step procedure..

  6. well explain with very useful and to the point information.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Good Explanation with pictures...It helps me a lot ...Thanks man...


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